With more than 300 daily campaign launches, XAD spoteffects stands for innovative media tracking. Although our technological focus lies on TV, we are tracking print and outdoor ads as well. With just a few clicks, you can access campaign data from more than 500 000 creatives, 40 000 brands and over 12 million tracked spot airings per year. Profit from the absolute transparency on the TV advertising market and register your account now!
to the free registrationAll German-speaking TV campaigns in one tool
You can browse through the last 9 years of advertising and search for combined keywords such as brands, products, categories, keywords, or testimonials and use additional filters to further narrow down your results.

Data depth
With spotresearch you can find and watch any tv campaign creative. Additionally spotresearch provides all metadata associated with a campaign, such as: an overview of airing data, spot length, category, country, campaign time range, channel mix, gross spending, e-commerce, URL, App Index, storyboards, competitors and further campaigns of the advertiser.
Comprehensive data
The tool offers daily updated information on gross media spending, channels, programs and airing times on spot version basis, on campaign and on brand level. Additionally you have access to details such as spot length, commercial brake lenght, commercial break positioning, all other bookings in the break, e-commerce share and program environment of the break. All data and related graphical visualizations are available for download.

Comparative analysis
Set up comparisons within or across specific industries. Instantly generated overviews of airings, channel mixes, number of campaigns and gross budgets deliver valuable insights on the differences between diverse TV strategies for specific time periods.
spotresearch package options
request an introduction callVantage
0 €
monthly base fee
sign up for freeWithout monthly base fees and Binding contract terms! FLEXIBLE data purchase and booking of premium features on-demand.
- Full database access to over 500k ads
- Daily updated TV campaign newstarts on demand
- Unlimited search results
- Spotlength, country, category
- Tags, Storyboard
- E-Commerce-, URL-, App-data
- Favorites library & saved searches
- The most expensive placements from the last days
- Rankings und Information on spot, brand and advertiser basis
- Automated alerts about campaign airings on demand
- Airing data, media gross spending and stats on demand
starting at 450 €
monthly base fee
request an offerWith our premium packages you gain absolute transparency over the entire german-speaking TV advertising market.
- All “Vantage” features included
- Exact airing data for every single broadcast
- Program and advertising environments
- TV campaigns’ airings and gross spending* distribution on the basis of calendar-/ week days, channels and day times
- Aggregated analyses on the advertising pressure of products and multiple brands
- Comparative analysis on product and brand level
- E-commerce share per commercial break
- TV campaign search filter (URL / App / E-Commerce)
- Video und storyboard download
- Booking utilization rates of tv channels
- commercial breaks analyses on channels and program environment basis
*Gross media spendings for Switzerland are not available nor are they included in any of the spotresearch offers
Tracking in real time or of individual campaigns?
spotbot delivers exact and precise down to the second information on all your TV ad airings. With XAD spoteffects’ TV tracking, you can monitor closely your own and your competitors’ campaign and booking strategy. All tracking data is available via e-mail, download link or API on a daily basi